15th Annual Whitney Point Fall Festival
Posted by Dustin Horton // March 30, 2018 // Festivals, News
The Greater Whitney Point Community Planning Committee Corporation is pleased to announce that plans for the 15th annual Fall Festival are well underway. This year’s festival will be held on Saturday, October 27th.
The entertainment line-up includes a wide variety of performers. Doug Rougeux. Rougeux, better known as ” The Bubble Man”, takes bubble making to an entirely new level. He uses wands, straws, his bare hands, and his “Super-Duper Bubble Hoop” to create bubbles. He can make kissing bubbles, attacking bubbles, tight-rope walking bubbles, spaceship bubbles, popcorn bubbles, bubble chains, and bubbles dancing to music. He can even make a bubble with a person inside. Rougeux uses elements of clowning, mime, slapstick, juggling, and magic to enhance his bubblery.
Ron Cain, of Cain Magic Company, will present a family show at 3:00 in the TRA auditorium. Mr. Cain, a magician and wizard, performs at libraries, schools, festivals, businesses and family parties throughout the state. Television viewers have enjoyed his work on the PBS show “Pappyland,” televised nationally on the Learning Channel, and “Saturday Showboat,” produced by NBC’s Syracuse affiliate. He belongs to the Society of American Magicians and the International Brotherhood of Magicians, which inducted him into its Order of Merlin. Before his show, Ron Cain will be sharing balloon art with Fall Festival attendees.
Kevin LaDue of LaDue Music Company, Whitney Point, will share acoustic guitar music and vocals in the TRA gymnasium as part of the Craft Fair. Meredith Kohn Bocek of The Harp Studio in Apalachin, and Curt Osgood, an accomplished hammer dulcimer player from Binghamton will play in the “little” gym as part of the Triangle Quilt Guild quilt display.
The Stoutmen will be performing at Sparky’s Pub and Grill at the Oakland Hotel Their strong, straightforward singing of traditional songs is in the style of the Clancy Brothers & Tommy Makem, Dubliners, and Wolf Tones. They present a great mix of powerful rebel songs, jovial drinking songs, toe-tapping reels and beautiful Irish ballads.
The festival will include a craft and vendor fair. There will many other activities, demonstrations, contests, and exhibits. There is sure to be something for everyone! Check www.whitneypointfallfestival.org this summer for more information.
This project is made possible with public funds from the Chenango Arts Council’s Decentralization Program, a re-grant program of the NYS Council on the Arts, with support from Governor Cuomo and the NYS Legislature.