Creature Feature – Grateful
Posted by Dustin Horton // November 21, 2024 // Local Business
As you bow your head in thanks for all that’s sweet and good,
Remember to be grateful for the creatures in the woods.
The chipmunks, squirrels, and rabbits that scurry, climb, and hop,
In constant states of busyness that never seems to stop.
The graceful deer that passes by, her newborn fawn in tow,
All spindly-legged and spotted, and wobbling to and fro.
Recall the way you catch your breath at seeing a red fox,
With lovely fur and long plush tail, and handsome ebon socks.
Birds that float or flit and fly in sizes big and small,
Herons, hawks, and chickadees, God made them one in all.
Like feathered jewels, they paint the sky — freedom on the wing!
With serenades and sweet clear notes that cheer us when they sing.
And what of creatures living round a pond or wooded lake?
Shy turtles, frogs and fishes, and – yes – the slithery snake.
Otters, muskrats, beavers, giant moose, and nimble mink,
From little shrews to big black bears that come to take a drink.
Opossums, ‘coons and stinky skunks, coyotes, fishers too,
Even those that aren’t “cute” are just like me and you.
For they deserve to live their lives, to have their own safe space.
Give thanks, for all these creatures make the world a better place!
Poem & photo by Margie Manthey