Cortland County Junior Fair – July 9–13
Posted by Dustin Horton // June 10, 2024 // Festivals, News
Come to the 70th annual Cortland County Junior Fair held July 9-13th , and you will find young people and 4-H. We are committed to youth, agriculture, and showing off the best of Cortland County. You’ve seen photos of long-ago county fairs, when people from around the town would gather to show off and celebrate the town’s main focus — agriculture. Today, our fair remains a vibrant venue, changing to reflect the community, yet remaining a treasured annual tradition and attracting scores of new families, as well as faithful fair-goers.
Junior Fair offers exhibitors the opportunity to grow in many ways. Exhibiting helps youth learn to set goals and work toward them, develop confidence, gain a sense of achievement, and communicate effectively about what they have done. Today’s fair reflects the evolving interests of youth in the world today. While many youth continue working with animals, growing things in their gardens, or refining their sewing and cooking skills, the options have expanded to other niches. Although the focus and scope have changed appreciably since its beginning seventy years ago, Junior Fair is still a monumental testimony to the creativity and dedication of young people in Cortland County, and the parents and volunteers who support and encourage their efforts. The Fair Queen contest, Barnyard Olympics, Animal Costume Class, and Market Sale always attract an appreciative audience for youths’ efforts.
Special events planned by the Cortland County Agricultural Corporation will include a dairy cattle birthing educational area on Friday and Saturday—come and learn about a baby calf being born! Other attractions include the Ag Awareness tent, a bike giveaway, antique tractor pull and display, pie social, veggie car races, pedal tractor contest, midway rides Wednesday through Saturday, bands Sydney Irving and Mojo Band on Friday and Jake Desormo on Saturday, and of course—fireworks!
We’ll see YOU at the Fair, July 9-13th!
Reminder: The Cortland County Junior Fair is a youth fair that is an alcohol and tobacco free event.
For more information on the fair, volunteer opportunities, or the 4-H Program in general, please contact the 4-H Office in Cortland County at 607-391-2660, or visit: cortland.cce.cornell.edu/4-h-youth or facebook.com/CortlandCounty4HProgram
For information on the Cortland Junior Fair visit: facebook.com/pages/Cortland-County-Jr-Fair/ or cortlandfair.com.