CNY Maple Fest
Posted by Dustin Horton // April 6, 2023 // Festivals, News
Since 1971, the CNY Maple Fest has recreated the definition of maple products. Based on an Ohio Maple festival, CNY’s representation imprinted on the local communities. Wayne Fox is one of the members serving on the chairman board. This annual celebration is made possible through donations and the funds raised through the pancake breakfast and shops. In addition, bonus cash is returned to the community, especially the churches, the needy, and student senior trips. For maple fanatics there is a museum dedicated to the history and quality of New York State maple flavors.
Equally important is the clean equipment used to produce the byproducts. The syrup is mill raised, meaning it is pure maple syrup without additives. There is a specific skill set to collecting it using detailed science and quick timing. This is because of the enzymes that interact leaving water to condense and evaporate swiftly. In addition, the minerals in the soil are great for the trees that produce the sap. Some of the maple products include; syrup, granulated, cream, lollipops, and sugar. Approximately, ten to fifteen thousand people come each year with around one thousand volunteers. Of course the numbers depend on the weather. These enlisted helpers provide parking assistance as well as transportation to shuttle between the two. The lions club also brings extra customers.
For over fifty one years, the festival has provided free parking and free admission. However, any goods sold have to be purchased, like the craft fair. There are pony horse wagon rides along with some carnival rides to keep busy. In fact, there is a pancake eating contest that lasts fifteen minutes for hungry contestants. The money will be donated to non-profit organizations. Also, the eaters will be greeted by the newly crowned pancake queen. Located in Marathon, the festival will be held in April. At Reilly’s Cafe there is the “Sweet Family Tradition” window display. There is music and a maple mobile race. Lastly there will be a talent show featuring an assortment of acts. It will be a good weekend and hard working volunteers will provide the best experience for visitors.