Josie’s Journey
Posted by Dustin Horton // August 15, 2022 // Local Business
We are proud to introduce you to some of the heroes of our Josie’s Journey team that provide the sweetest love and comfort to our community.
Bruce is a 4 year old Bernese Mountain Dog.Bruce loves people and loves attention. He competes in dog sports with his partner Tom Fernandes. Bruce is happiest when he is with his family including his four legged sister Ellie especially when they go on their daily walks.
Hi there! My name is Sadie. I am a 10 year of golden doodle. I have been certified as a therapy dog for almost 6 years and I have earned the AKC Advanced designation for all my hard work. I’m a proper old girl who much prefers hoomans to dogs. I am a very good girl. When not cuddling with my hoomans I can be found sleeping on the couch, rolling in the yard under a shady tree or waiting for treats.
Hey ya’ll! I’m Sophie! I’m a 4 year old golden doodle! I just got certified as a therapy dog and I’m LOVING my new job! I like all creatures…canine, feline, and hooman but hoomans are my fave! When I’m not working I spend my days napping (best thing ever!) and running in the yard.
Ellie is a well traveled rescue who came to our family in April of 2021 by way of Chicago from Oklahoma. She joined her big brother Bruce, the Bernese Mountain Dog, and fit into the family like she was meant to be. She has attended classes at Dotties Dog School and would like to try her athletic paws at Agility. She is a sweet, mild mannered, happy little girl who is currently in training.