Grandma’s Pretties Antiques & Collectibles
Posted by Dustin Horton // December 18, 2018 // Local Business
Finish up your Christmas shopping and take advantage Grandma’s Pretties Winter Sale! Thousands of items in the 50% category. Stop in to appreciate the volume of items! Trains and Moser Glass 0% Off. Gold and silver 20% Off! Lighting and furniture 40% Off! All Else 50% OFF! Due to Grandma’s Pretties losing their storage space – they are having an inventory reduction sale! Sale continues until major inventory reduction is achieved. Browse through their PEZ dispensers, marbles, lamps, clocks, beads, buttons, models of vintage aircraft, records, 500+ dolls, 1,000’s of earrings, vintage Boyd’s Bears, furniture, glassware, paintings, Pyrex, baking dishes, jewelry, and a vast array of other items that are on display.
Grandma’s Pretties is located at 3 Railroad Street in Whitney Point and is open from 10am to 5pm Wednesday through Sunday. Closed Monday & Tuesday. Cash, checks, and credit cards are all welcome. The store is a one owner owned shop with a 25+ year history and is owned by Marlene Pittsley.
Grandma’s Pretties buys merchandise, such as jewelry, clocks, glassware, furniture, and miscellaneous items. View their website www.grandmaspretties.com and Like them on Facebook. Call (607) 862-9795, or visit the handicapped accessible shop: take a right on to Main Street by the Speedway station, and take a left onto Railroad Street before you reach the railroad tracks.
Ed and Marlene want to thank everyone very much for all your support and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.