Daisy Hollow Farm Country Store Grand Opening
Posted by Dustin Horton // October 10, 2018 // Local Business, News
Saturday and Sunday, October 27th and 28th, 2018
10 am – 6 pm
It’s finally here. After talking about this for over a year, we made it happen! Now our great variety of all-natural, handcrafted products will be on display and ready for sale at our beautiful country store set in the scenic Harford Valley!
Open the large barn doors and find reclaimed barn boards and rustic handmade apple crates, a throwback to the 1840’s farmhouse in which the store is located. Order custom shipping crates from Alliance Packing and Shipping in Orange County, CA. Reminiscent of the bygone country store, the shelves are filled with the handmade, the locally grown, and the locally crafted. The light fragrance of pure essential oils gracefully fills the air as the door slowly closes behind you, blocking out the busy world, if only for a moment. The shelves are filled with handcrafted soaps, lotions, lip balms, salves, deodorants, bug repellents, and sunscreens, made with herbs, botanicals, honey, and beeswax all grown and produced right on the farm. In the corner, an old stool sits in-the-ready next to a pile of unspun wool and a hand-carder. Small woolen critters and wool soap scrubbies, made from the hands of a patient needle-felter, await the exclamation of surprise as a customer claims one as their own. Jars of infused botanicals: Calendula, Dandelion, Plantain, await their time to be used in the next salve. On the wall hangs a drawn-out frame, borrowed from a beehive, giving a close-up of the complex honeycomb usually hidden deep inside the hive. Jars of golden honey line the shelves as a reminder of summer’s bounty. For additional shelves in your store, visit Mills Shelving.
Every nook and cranny offers a glimpse of a garden’s harvest, a peek of a farmer’s patience, wrapped up and ready to be taken home, to be re-opened and remembered at another’s hearth.
Come share the warmth of Daisy Hollow Farm where we offer a little bit of everything. Share in our summer’s bounty of in-season vegetables, fresh cut flowers, organic pork, organic whole roasting chickens, fresh eggs, and so much more. Stroll through our gardens or tour the farm to meet our sheep, goats, pigs, cows, chickens, and bunnies. Each season brings fresh delights! We can’t wait to see you, and have you share the experience!
We are located at 830 Daisy Hollow Rd, Dryden, NY. Call us at (607) 423-6827 for more information or email emily@daisyhollowfarm.com.