The People’s Market of Lansing
Posted by Dustin Horton // April 12, 2018 // Local Business
The People’s Market is excited for Spring and SUMMER! We have lots of plans for the store. We will have the regular and ever changing inventory from auctions, estates and sales that filter in on a daily basis but we also have a new food vendor planning on using our site to offer a delicious “loup sandwich” which is a French Canadian style meat sandwich (Vagabond Loup Sandwich Co.). We are also pairing with Grisamore Cider Works and local beer distributors as well! We’ll be partying in the parking lot this summer! We plan to have some fun summer events so check our FB!!
The People’s Market has an antique following but we have been growing our ebay/Craigslist/Facebook offerings. You bring us your items and we sell them for you! People are downsizing and simplifying and we can help! Many come to the store and say…just that “I want it gone!” Well, we are your “people”! We will decide on a price with you and try to sell your item. Then we will pack it or meet up with your perfect match to make two people happy…you AND the buyer!
The People’s Market has affordable antiques and collectables as well as local food items….we are looking forward to starting up our veggie stand again this year beginning in May! You never know what we will have on the stand so check out our People’s Market of Lansing Facebook page for posts for what we got that day(usually Tuesdays by 1:00). Amish baked goods too!
In the last few months our customers have been enjoying cookies from Case Sera Sera , macaroons from Sugar and Slice and cupcakes from Finger Lakes Baking Co. We usually post these deliveries as well!