Who is Eating Pancakes?
Posted by Dustin Horton // March 30, 2018 // Festivals, News
The 48th CNY Maple Festival in Marathon, New York kicks of April 7th with the traditional Pancake Eating Contest, at 9am on stage in the High School Auditorium. Hot steaming pancakes will be served 3 at a time. Fresh maple syrup made in the heart of the Village of Marathon is on the table too. This contest is not just about eating the most pancakes, it is about raising funds for not-for-profit entities. Contestants campaign for pledges and contributions for every pancake they eat. The Maple Festival pledges $2 for every not-for-profit who has a participant in the contest. “It is a way that the Maple Festival Committee can give back to the communities that support us” says Chairman and originator of the contest, Connie White.
Returning Champion Patrick Rand of Moravia will be eating pancakes for The Moravia Summer Reading Program. Other contestants and their charity or not for profit are: Richard Warner for Cortland YWCA; Nick Dalrymple for The Cortland Community Center; Jordan Patch for A Room to Heal; Camdyn Kashuba for the Cortland Figure Skating Club; Cody Spencer for The Marathon Lions Club; Audrey Ensign for Troop 10221 of the Girl Scouts; and Lee Miller for Hubbard’s Hounds Dog Rescue.
Everyone is a winner in this contest. Be there, cheer them on and throw a contribution in a bucket to sweeten the contest.