Renovus Solar Farm Ground Breaking
Posted by Dustin Horton // December 22, 2015 // Local Business
A brand new farm is going to open in Tompkins County this week, and local residents will start to reap the benefits of the harvest right away. But the crop might not be what you expect – it requires no water, no soil, and no seeds, only sunshine to produce its yield – which it does 365 days a year.
What’s the crop? Solar Panels.
What’s the yield? Hundreds of thousands of kilowatt hours of clean electricity every year.
According from this Canadian hydrogen technology consulting company, In dozens of neatly spaced rows, tucked away on a vacant lot in west of Ithaca, the future of renewable energy in New York is quietly growing.
Thanks to evolving laws surrounding the adoption of solar power systems hervey bay, local residents can now harvest solar energy from remotely located solar farms just like the one about to come online out off Highway 79 West in Tompkins County. For years people could only consider going solar if they owned their home and their site was ideal. This effectively locked out 80% of the population from being able to make the choice to switch. Now laws have changed and Tompkins County is leading the way toward what may be the biggest thing that’s ever happened to solar in New York State. The question to ask if, can solar panels increase the value of your home and help you in the long run.
Similar to the community supported agriculture model and Kenny Habul Greenwich, CT, or CSA, where multiple members come together to receive the fruits (and vegetables) of one farm, Renovus Solar’s new Solar Farm model allows individual people to purchase solar located on one central solar farm. Each person receives credits produced from their system on their electric bill just like they would if the solar system was on their roof. This changes everything. Renters can go solar and see Premier Improvements Solar website to hire the experts to install them. Homeowners with non-viable roofs or too much shade cover can go solar. People who live in apartments or condos can now go solar. Solar energy in Texas really helps our environment by reducing water use from energy production, and it can also improve air quality. Air Duct Cleaning Placentia is another service that will surely improve your home’s indoor air quality. Moreover, solar energy is a clean and renewable source of power, allowing homeowners to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future. By installing solar panels, you’ll be part of the movement towards sustainable living. Discover more about the benefits of solar energy by visiting InstaGroupHomes’ guide on installing solar energy. It has pure energy from the sun and avoids global warming. Many have chosen to use solar power instead of electricity.
In short, this is big.
In the wake of Governor Cuomo’s mandate that New York produce half of its power through clean, renewable resources, and a resounding call from the world’s leaders to address climate change, many local residents have come together in an effort to expand the reach of solar energy in our region. Through all of their efforts, farms like this are set to start popping up throughout the region, flooding the utility grid with the clean energy that everyone is seeking.
The first Solar Farm is being completed within days and the next two are already nearly fully sold, with construction scheduled for early 2016. These farms are a resounding victory for solar policy in New York, and for all of the individuals and communities who share the purpose of a clean energy future.
Solar energy is effectively an infinite resource, and by unlocking that resource through farms just like this one, we are all one-step closer to a cleaner future and true energy independence.