Homer WinterFest
Posted by Dustin Horton // January 20, 2015 // News
With the arrival of winter, preparations are in full swing for the upcoming 15th annual Homer WinterFest in the village of Homer, NY.
Once again this year promises to be fun for the whole family. Locals and visitors alike will find a full slate of traditional activities and updated events. Look for WinterFest brochures at Phillips Free Library and many local merchants. Our website, www.homerwinterfest.org, is the source of latest information on Homer WinterFest.
The action kicks off on Friday night (February 6th) with the Homer Elks fish fry from 5:30 to 8. New this year: Homer Historian Martin Sweeney and the Syracuse Chorale presents “A Lincoln Legacy” at the Congregational Church from 7 to 8. Warm up at the huge community bonfire sponsored by Paul Bunyan Products and the Homer Fire Department. At 7:45 the skies will light up with the annual fireworks display brought to us this year by Pyrotechnico. After the show come to the Homer American Legion for a community dance from 7-9.
The festival continues on Saturday morning (February 7th) starting with the firemen’s pancake breakfast from 7-11 at the Community Building. The popular flea market at the Homer Senior Center runs all day from 9-4 and offers pizza, cinnamon buns and more. The Main Street parade starts at 10:15 am, and while on Main Street stop in at the Phillips Free Library annual book sale.
Bundle up the kids and bring them to the Homer Elementary School for the expanded children’s events featuring JEFF the MAGIC MAN at 12:00. The fun includes Dan the Snake Man, cupcake decorating, balloon tying, crafts with Lime Hollow, games, photo booth, pony rides, food, free fingerprinting with Homer Police, and much more.
Events on the Homer Village Green include free ice skating, demonstrations by Cortland Youth Hockey at 11:30, and snowshoeing by Lime Hollow at 12:00. Form a team with friends and enter the Human Dog Sled Race at 11:00, with categories for all ages.
Shop dozens of antique and craft vendors at the Homer Intermediate/Middle School from 9:30-4:00. Coffee and food will be served. Brush the dust off your old antiques and have them professionally appraised for a small fee by Jerry Wilcox and Tony Ferro at our “Antiques Road Show” from 11:30-2:30.
Check out the snowmobile display and free rides on West Road behind Super Scoops from 10 to 3.
Food and drink are not in short supply at Homer WinterFest on Saturday. BBQ chicken is being served on Main Street in front of Heyer Physical Therapy. Taste and judge local chili at the HoBeau’s Chili Cook-Off from 12:30 -2:00. Enjoy a Victorian Tea at the Brewster
House from 1-3 or sample local wine and beer at the American Legion from 1-4. And NEW THIS YEAR: Craft beer tasting and Winter WingFest (contest) at the Elks Lodge from 1-4.
Wind down your evening at the Homer Elks Clamfest from 4-7 (call about pre-sale clamfest tickets 607-749-4200), followed by music until 10.
Homer WinterFest Chair Eric Mulvihill says, “Once again this year the WinterFest Organizing Committee has worked hard to put together a family and community minded event that preserves the traditions of the past while looking to improve on what we offer. Regardless of the weather, WinterFest will carry on as a great mid-season happening. We can’t wait to see our friends and neighbors once again this year, so grab a hat and a warm coat and head out to Homer for WinterFest”.
For questions or clarifications contact Steve Major at 607-299-4818 or stevemajor@twcny.rr.com