Five Mile Point Speedway in Kirkwood, NY
Posted by Dustin Horton // August 4, 2014 // Local Business
Meet John Cooper, Jr. third generation racer who currently competes weekly at the Five Mile Point Speedway in Kirkwood, NY. Cooper started his racing career 12 years ago in the Pure Stock division driving the #71 in honor of his grandfather Ken “crash” Cooper, who was a long time driver at the old Shangrila Speedway, Dryden Speedway and Glen Aubry speedways. John’s father and crew built this car from scratch and he finally got to try his hand at the wheel, after being on his dad’s crew most all of his childhood life. John Cooper, Sr.” Mr. excitement”, was a very well known track champion at the Skyline Raceway and raced all over Central, NY for years. Cooper Sr., decided to sell this car to Howard and Holly Jones of Groton NY and John JR, took over driving for them getting his first ever career win at the Thunder Mountain Speedway. This was a great night as Howard Jones was the runner up finish that night. After a fun and successful season, Cooper, Jr decided to build his own car with the help of his crew and go street stock racing, he also changed his number to the 4 Roses, which was his father’s number and had significant family meaning. John Jr. would run a full season at the Thunder Mountain Speedway and not get a win but was Rookie of the Year that season. He was hurt in a work accident half way through the next season and had to give up racing himself for a year or so but during the next winter his crew once again built another brand new Striker Chassis street stock and went back to Thunder Mountain and competed in the street stock division, John won 2 features over the next two seasons, had numerous top 10 finishes and was really enjoying himself. He raced at Skyline Raceway, Afton, Penn can and Five Mile. In 2013 he decided to join his brother-in-law, Kenny Hammond down at the Five Mile Point Speedway for the season. Hammond races in the Sportsman division and family is so important to Cooper and all of them racing together was his top priority no matter how tough the financial struggle was. Cooper was rookie of the year at Five Mile Pt. last year and finished 5th in points had several top 5 finishes. This season John Jr. started out at the Thunder Mountain speedway but was not having any luck so decided to go back to Five Mile and his luck has begun to turn around. He has had a few top 5 finishes already and his one goal this season is to pick up a Victory and bring that trophy home to his daughter. It has been 5 long years since he has won a race and Cooper would like to do that before he hangs up his helmet. The most memorable racing moment for John JR, was last season racing against his dad in the street stock division it was a dream come true for both Cooper’s!!!
John’s mother, father, wife Melanie, daughter Kylee, sisters, nieces, nephews and entire crew are HUGE supporters of John’s racing and without them he couldn’t do what he loves and is in his blood. John Jr. also could not do this without the help of his sponsors, Bell’s Auto Care (whom he also works for), Avon by Sharon (his mom), JC Construction (his dad), The Meskill Family, Nichol’s woodshop(his crew chief), Camo Hut, Dryden Wine and Spirits and the TC Sheriff’s Union. Last but not least his long time crew Dave Nichol, Rick Nichol, Mark Bell, Mark Yacavone and John Cooper, Sr.
Cooper Jr. races on Saturday nights at 6pm at Five Mile Point for further info check out their website www.fivemilepointspeedway.net and come out and check out John Jr. and his beautiful 4 Roses race car and cheer him on to victory!!!