Toys for Tots Poker Run Wins with Four of a Kind
Posted by Dustin Horton // May 14, 2014 // News
On Sunday, May 18, 2014 Edward Jones (Jason D. Cicioni, CFP, Financial Advisor) hosts the 4th Annual Toys for Tots Poker Run to benefit the Toys for Tots Cortland County 2014 campaign. With the support of local businesses and organizations, in addition to Edward Jones, such as Bill Anderson Farm Market and the Winters Group (Amy A. Winters, CPA, PLLC), this event has become the flagship fundraiser for our county’s Toys for Tots program.
The Toys for Tots Poker Run begins and ends at the Homer Fire Station’s Paul Hill Community Building (45 S Main Street, Homer) with three card stops in between on the winding roads throughout the Cortland County area. Registration on May 18 begins at Noon, with buy-in for $30 (that’s $30 per rider poker hand, $10 for extra hands; three extra for $25). The first group of bikes will leave Homer a 1:00pm, and the last bike will leave by 1:45pm. We invite cars to join too – they will head out at 2:00pm.
When riders have gathered their cards at all the stops for their hand and arrive back to the Hill Community Building, the action continues with Denny Jack’s BBQ and classic rock and outlaw country music by the band Kickin’ A. Prizes for the top three hands will be awarded and riders can try their luck again with door prize raffles and a 50/50 drawing.
A “Poker Run” combines a motorcycle tour with a game of poker. The event starts at a registration location where each rider gets a poker hand sheet and one card. The card is verified and marked down on the poker hand sheet. Each rider then travels to four other locations drawing a card that is verified on their poker hand sheet at each destination. At the last stop a fifth and final card is drawn and their poker hand sheet is submitted to determine who has the best hand.
The Cortland County Marine Corps League and the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve mission is to ensure a brighter, more joyful Christmas for children of Cortland County that are less fortunate through the Toys for Tots Cortland County program. Last year the Toys for Tots program supplied toys to over 1,700 children in Cortland County. Locally the Toys for Tots Foundation’s cause to support ratio is 98% to 2%. This ratio is one of the highest performance levels of any charities with 98% of funds used to put new toys in the hands of Cortland County children and only 2% of funds spent on support of that effort.
If you would like to sponsor or assist in the staffing of the event please email toysfortotspokerrun@yahoo.com or call 607.591.7903. For more information on the event visit https://www.facebook.com/events/249674695206014/ or find Toys for Tots Cortland County on Facebook.