Thank You for Getting us to Year Four!
Posted by Dustin Horton // April 18, 2014 // Local Business
By: Shana Karn and Andy Seyfried, Co-Owners, The Second Knob Gifts and Antiques, 129 North St. Dryden
We wrapped-up March with a huge 4th birthday celebration; it was spectacular thanks to our customers—- both old and new, and to Joyce Lowe who brought in her arrangements and helped us with a free Make and Take Craft all weekend! We owe so much to our customers and we appreciate each and every one. Thank you to all who came in to celebrate with us and take advantage of HUGE sales!
While we like to believe that word has gotten out about The Second Knob, almost daily we learn that there are a lot of folks out there who still haven’t come in! During our celebration, one of our customers gave a “shout out” to us on Facebook, which earned us some new customers. We truly appreciate this kind of recognition from our friends because it helps us get the word out about our shop, thereby building our customer base and keeping us in business!
In small communities like ours, businesses rely very heavily on word-of-mouth and personal references. More often than not, this type of communication is far superior to a paid advertisement. We also rely on our customers to tell us what they do and do not like so we can keep our customers engaged! With regard to our Birthday Celebration, we know that the Make and Take Craft was a huge hit, as were the samples; so, we will offer something similar during our fall open house!
How can you help local, small business?
- Help Get the Word Out via Social Media:
If you are on Facebook: Find local, small business pages and “Like” them; a lot of local businesses do the majority of their advertising on social media sites. Use the “share” option on FB to share a business’ post! (Please “Like” The Second Knob and Shots By-Shana!)
On Twitter: Follow local, small businesses (this is a great way to see specials and be notified about sales and events!). Re-tweet small business tweets! (Follow The Second Knob and Shots By Shana!)
Instagram: Search for small businesses on Instagram and follow them! Instagram is a photo-centric social media site and some small businesses post pictures of new merchandise on a regular basis—this is a great way to get a sneak peek! (Follow The Second Knob and ShotsByShana!)
Pinterest: Be sure to follow pin boards for local, small business and be sure to share their pins! (Follow The Second Knob!)
- Pick-up and read local, small newspapers and check out bulletin boards in small businesses which advertise other local businesses!
- Ask local friends where they shop, get their hair cut or nails done and try out small, local shops and services!
- When you are looking for a product or service, SHOP LOCAL FIRST. Even if you prefer to shop online, be sure to look for a local, small business website and go ahead and shop online!
- If a small business doesn’t have what you are looking for, be sure to ASK the owners if they will “special order!” At The Second Knob, we will special order anything we can for our customers!
- Share a local small business website on your social media page and with out of town friends and family! Please share www.thesecondknob.com today!
- If you are a local small business, work together with other small businesses! Shots by Shana Photography routinely offers local, small businesses complimentary photo sessions as a way to help them promote their business/service and, when possible, both The Second Knob and Shots By Shana supports local community groups, buys local and utilizes local, small businesses/services to carry out our own business.
Each of these simple tips is a great way to show your support for local, small business! And by supporting small business, you are investing in your community, encouraging local prosperity, supporting community groups, putting your tax dollars to good use, buying merchandise you NEED versus buying the “hype,”
Again, a huge thank you to our customers for the success of our business and our birthday celebration! We look forward to many more years!