Successful Smokeout at P&C Fresh
Posted by Dustin Horton // November 25, 2013 // Local Business
In an effort to help people quit smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco, and prevent kids from starting to use tobacco, Tobacco Free Cortland and Tobacco Free Tompkins teamed up with P&C Fresh for the 38th annual Great American Smokeout on November 21st.
Tobacco Free Cortland and Tobacco Free Tompkins applaud P&C Fresh for their decision to not sell tobacco products. According to P&C Fresh COO Gregory Young, “When we bought these stores a little over two years ago, we made the decision to not sell any tobacco products in our stores. My business partner and I have lost family members to tobacco-related disease, and even though we knew there would be a financial impact to stopping tobacco sales…we knew it was the right moral decision.”
Tobacco use remains the leading cause of preventable disease and death, killing more than 25,000 New Yorkers every year. Quitting smoking is the best gift you can give to your family and yourself this holiday season. It’s never too late quit smoking. Shortly after quitting smoking, your blood pressure and pulse rate drop to normal, your risk of a heart attack drops, your sense of taste and smell improve, breathing is easier, you stop wheezing, and your lung capacity increases. Nicotine is one of the most addicting substances on earth; however there is help available out there. Counseling combined with medication has proven to be the most effective in achieving cessation success.
For a free personalized quit plan and support-including nicotine replacement patches, call the New York State Smokers’ Quitline at 1-866-NY-QUITS (1-866-697-8487) or visit www.nysmokefree.com. People can also contact counselors at Nurse Direct with a free call at 1-800-295-8088 or (607) 763-5555. Cayuga Medical Center offers a free tobacco cessation support group at the Cayuga Center for Health Living, Ithaca Free Clinic, and Convenient Care locations in both Cortland and Ithaca. Call them for dates and times at (607) 252-3590.