The Second Knob Gifts & Antiques

Growing Up Anteek

Posted by  //  March 5, 2013  //  Local Business

By Shana Seyfried-Karn, Co-Owner, The Second Knob Gifts & Antiques

With our move into our new location, we’ve enjoyed many new faces and a barrage of the same questions we’ve encountered for the last two years: “Why ‘The Second Knob?’” and “What made you open this kind of shop?”

I can’t count the number of times I’ve repeated my tale of exactly how we came to call our shop The Second Knob; nor can I count the number of times I’ve had to “correct” my father’s personal version of the tale in which he claims the name has something to do with Knob Creek Bourbon, his drink of choice. In any case, the full story of our name can be viewed on our blog: Hob-Knobbin (

What Made Us Open This Kind of Shop?

Easy answer! I grew up the child of a true “antiquer.” Ever since I can remember, my father, Andy (owner of Andee’s Anteeks), has collected antiques, collectibles, vintage items, “sum junque and uther stuff.” I remember, when I was 10, we had a garage sale and my mom allowed me to sell whatever I wanted out of the garage. Imagine my father’s surprise when he returned home to discover that I’d sold a large antique scale with weights for a mere $5, which, at the time, I considered quite a profitable sale. I can’t remember what else I sold from the garage – only the scale and weights stick out in my mind because of the size and weight; the purchaser needed the assistance of two other men to lift them into the back of his truck. While antiquing wasn’t his real job—it was his real passion and I suppose it is natural that, after years of auctions, garage sales, estate sales, antique shops, eBay and Craigslist, (and because I was always a “Daddy’s Girl”) it is no surprise that antiquing became one of my passions. I definitely don’t possess the amount of knowledge that Dad does when it comes to antiques but I have gotten pretty good at buying antiques and vintage pieces that I can turn-over within a fairly reasonable amount of time. And, thanks to Pinterest, Country Living and other references, I’ve gotten pretty good at decorating with antique and vintage pieces.

After years of watching the backbreaking work associated with setting up tent sales, I began dropping hints to Dad about opening a shop. Sometimes, he would look at me like I had three heads and brush me off but, as time went on, he listened more intently as I suggested a shop in Dryden where we could combine a line of new home décor and gifts that would tie in with his huge inventory of antiques. Opening a shop in Dryden was a given—having lived in Dryden most of my life, I knew that Dryden could use a little shop; I knew it would be nice for Dryden residents to have someplace where they could pick up a little gift when they needed one. After some time, Dad agreed and we went into business and The Second Knob—a father-daughter venture and a business partnership was born.

There is nothing easy about working with Dad. He will likely say the same thing about working with me. Sometimes, we are two peas in a pod—both strong-willed, both stubborn and always right. Day by day we learn to function as a two-person team in the business world. Thankfully though, despite the differences of opinions; our different taste in merchandise (gifts and antiques) and the differences in our selling/display styles, when all is said and done we are still just Dad and daughter and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world…and neither would he.

The Second Knob Gifts & Antiques is located at 129 North St. Dryden NY and is open Tues-Saturday from 10-6 and Sunday from 10-5.

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