Operation Christmas Child

Posted by  //  October 25, 2012  //  News

Christian Assembly of God is participating in the Shoe Boxes for Christmas through Operation Christmas Child once again.  The Girl’s Ministry is holding a Can/Bottle Drive Fundraiser through October 28th to help raise money to pay for shipping of 50 shoeboxes around the world.  They need to raise $350.00 as each box costs $7.00 to ship.  Last year we sent 30 boxes filled with toys, school supplies, tooth brushes, tooth paste, hard candy, socks, hair pretties, batteries etc.  so we thought we would try and do a few more this year.  The Women’s Ministry will be packing the shoeboxes on Monday, November 5th at 6:00 pm.  If anyone would like to help pay for the shipment of these shoeboxes, a check can be sent to Christian Assembly of God, 175 Port Watson St., Cortland, NY 13045, Attention Sheila.  We will need the donations by November 7th.  If you would like to fill your own shoebox you can come and pick up an empty Operation Christmas Child box and fill it and bring it back by November 5th.  If you would like to donate items for the boxes you can drop off at the church office, M-F 9:30-Noon or call 345-6280 to make arrangements.
To learn more about this you can go to http://www.operationchristmaschild.com/

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