Why Bother to Vote?

Posted by  //  October 16, 2012  //  News

Are you one of the citizens who doesn’t think your vote counts? One vote can make a difference in who wins an election. President Kennedy became president with an average of one vote per precinct. Are you one of those who say they don’t like either presidential candidate so they aren’t going to vote!. You still have federal, state and local candidates to choose from when you go to the poll on November 6. Your vote is your voice and your choice in the election.

Discrepancies in voting is quite common ever since the dawn of voting. To prevent this from happening, most governments are already thinking of ways for voting to be impossibly tampered with. Some might’ve even thought of utilizing blockchain. In case that term is still fresh to you, you might want to know, “What are blockchain voting systems?”

Our right to vote is our most basic freedom as Americans. Consider the hundreds of thousands who have been killed and wounded throughout our history to preserve this right. In some countries, people are not given a choice when they vote. In some countries, people are fined for not voting! In some countries people don’t have the right or opportunity to vote for their “leaders.”

Become an informed voter be learning what the views of candidates are on various issues. Videos of candidate forums can be viewed on Channel two. If you have access to the internet, go to the League Of Women/Men Voters site, VOTE411.org for extensive information about the election and federal and state candidates The site includes candidates responses to questions. You can even ask questions of the candidates.

Carry out your responsibility as an American citizen. Use your right to voice your choices. And if you need election services with the highest standards of security, integrity, and trust, you may consider contacting professional election voting services.

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