Pets A Plenty

Pets a Plenty

Posted by  //  August 21, 2012  //  Local Business

Pets A Plenty opened in 1989. We are open 7 days a week and we are located in the Blockbuster Video Plaza on Rte 281 also known as West Road. We are across from Tops Market in Cortland.

I’ve done articles before about the store, how we opened, when we opened etc. I would like to take the time to tell you a little bit about what we have and some of the customer comments I hear. We carry just about everything, except dogs. However we carry dog supplies and I try to get unusual dog toys that you won’t see in the chains. A girl called me the other day from Ithaca. She wanted to know if we carried many chinchilla supplies. She said the big chain store had very little.

Here at Pets A Plenty I counted over 25 chinchilla related items, foods, treats, dust baths, bath houses, wheels, balls, etc.

I hear customers quite often saying we have the most ferret supplies of any place they’ve ever been. I want to remind everybody that since I am an independent pet shop, I can buy whatever I want to buy.

Some of the big chains carry certain things but, they don’t always buy variety. They’ll buy several things but large amounts of those certain things, so it looks like a lot but it may only be 10 items.

I’d also like people to know that when you own your own pet store, you treat those pets like they are your own. I search out the very best places to buy birds, reptiles, fish and small animals. I want them to be healthy. I want them to do great. If you go to a super chain pet store and then go to a mom and pop pet store, you’ll often find the animals look better in the local family owned business. I hear a lot of people say that to me. I’m sure the big chain cares BUT I think the local family store cares more.

I do my best to give my customers the very best quality animal possible. I even receive my fish delivery the same day I do my order. That way they are not in the bag as long and they will do better for me and you, the customer. A lot of our hamsters are raised locally and many of our birds are raised locally as well.  We now have a new hand tame cockatiel breeder. She has very beautiful birds.

If you like our store, tell your friends and family. Word of mouth is very important to the smaller mom and pop stores. The chains can afford big time Radio/TV ads.

It’s a lot harder for the family owned store to advertise like that, so we rely heavily on our customers to spread the word. Check out the locally owned papers too. Papers like this one, THE CORTLAND AREA TRIBUNE, has money saver coupons offered by stores such as Pets A Plenty.

Big isn’t always better. I special order for people all the time. A lot of the big chains will noi do that for you. I might not be able to get everything you want, but I’ll give it my best try.

We also carry a huge asst. of cages, foods and treats for birds and small animals. Our prices are competitive. I am always on the lookout for new pet products.

Our animal food comes fresh every week. One important thing to remember, the fresher the food, the longer your pet will live. With raw dog food subscription, you have guarantee that your’ pet’s food is always fresh.

A lot of these big chains stockpile the foods in big warehouses. If it stays too long, some of the nutrition will be lost and your pet will not get all the vitamins and minerals it needs.

The local pet store may cost a few pennies more but it is well worth it if you love your pet. Pets A Plenty has coupons in the Tribune often, so pick up your copy when it comes out.

Remember, tests have shown that aquariums help lower blood pressure. Fish tanks have a calming effect.

Stop in and we’ll fix you up with a nice aquarium. I guarantee you’ll spend hours sitting in front of your tank looking at your fish. AND boy oh boy, we have some nice fish here at Pets A Plenty. New fish arrive every week. If you are looking for a certain fish, let me know. If we don’t carry it, I’ll try to order it for you.

If you haven’t been to PETS A PLENTY, stop in soon. We have a lot of interesting animals and merchandise. The animals are clearly visible, so you can see them easily. If you are interested in buying a certain pet, we are more than willing to take the animal out so you can see it better.

Parakeets, finches and canaries are easy to keep, fun to watch and nice to listen to. How about an aquarium. A ten gallon setup isn’t that much and research has found that watching fish swim is good for your blood pressure. Aquariums are very soothing and relaxing to watch.  We carry ferrets and chinchillas as well as all the other small animals. We have birds, snakes, reptiles, feeder mice and rats,crickets small and large and we have 60 tanks of fish to choose from.

So stop in soon and help us celebrate our 23rd year. Check out our new website, I post specials each month and there are care sheets and pictures of some of our animals.

Shop at Pets A Plenty, you’ll be glad you did. Got a question, email us at or call us 607-753-9213.

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