Voter Rights, Registration & Redistricting

Posted by  //  March 1, 2012  //  News

On Wednesday, March 14, there will be one hour program on improving New York State voter registration, increasing voter participation and redistricting in Cortland County. The program will be from 12 noon to 1 pm on the second floor of the SUNY Cortland Beard Building at 9 Main Street, downtown Cortland. Bring your brown bag lunch; beverages and snacks will be provided.

Tom Brown and Robert Howe, Cortland County Commissioners of Elections, will provide additional information and answer questions after a New York State League of Women Voters power point program. Kevin Pristash, Associate Director, Campus Activities, SUNY Cortland, will provide information and problems concerning the registration of students and their participation in voting. Dan Dineen, Director, Cortland Planning Department, will provide information and problems in the redistricting of Cortland County.

This program for the community is being provided by the League of Women Voters of Cortland County. Visit us at our website, For further information or if questions, call 756-7284.

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