It’s Been a Wonderful Life: 75 Years with the George B. Bailey Agency

Posted by  //  September 14, 2011  //  News

George Bartlett Bailey opened his agency for business on April 1, 1936. George’s guiding principal in serving his clients was to treat others as he would like to be treated. This philosophy remains the cornerstone of a respected Dryden insurance agency that is celebrating 75 years of service.

Over the years, the Bailey Agency has played an integral part in the growth and maturity of Dryden and the surrounding area. Join us to hear Bill and John Bailey relate the history of a family business that continues to supply support and leadership to our community.

Bill’s presentation will focus on his memories and impressions of many important events in recent Dryden history including: the electrification of the area in the 1920’s, travelling with his father to visit clients in the 30’s and 40’s, the arrival of natural gas in the 50’s, a new Junior/Senior high school and the demise of the Lehigh Valley railroad in the 60’s, attracting TC3 to locate in Dryden in the 70’s, and construction of the flood control dam on Virgil Creek in the 80’s and 90’s. Bill will also share his experience communicating with his clients from the typewriter of his father’s day to the use of email and iPhone by his son John. Bill will give credit to the leaders in the community who made these improvements in the infrastructure a reality.

This event will be held on Thursday, September 22nd, in the Dryden Village Hall (at the corner of George and South Streets). The doors will open at 6:30 PM and the evening’s presentation will begin at 7 PM. Everyone with their own stories or early policies they would like to share is encouraged to attend.

As always, this program is free and open to all. For more information, contact Gina Prentiss (844-4691) or Mary Hornbuckle (898-3461).

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