Earth Dance 2011 and One Heart Community Drumming!

Posted by  //  September 14, 2011  //  Arts & Live Music, News

Sept 24 starting at 5 pm, at Sheela Kingsbury’s Tea Garden Ithaca,
133 Jersey Hill Rd, Ithaca NY.

From Ithaca: 96B South, past Ithaca College to stop light at W. King Rd. & Upper Buttermilk Falls sign. Turn right, travel 3.1 miles until Jersey Hill Rd. Turn right on Jersey Hill and go 1000ft Blue mailbox, Tea Garden sign & 700ft. driveway on the left.

We will be creating a spirit dance, hoop and chanting circle to live tribal drums.

Spirit dance, hoop and chant circle to live tribal drums raising positive energies for peace, love, harmony, strength, respect.

The focus of the circle is to get people to spirit Dance and chant to live tribal drums raising energies for peace,love, harmony, and respect.

One Heart will be doing this in the rustic Henge we built at The Tea Garden Ithaca, which we call “The Well”, which is behind Sheela’s house in the woods.

Far enough to not interfere with what is going on at the house or have the live music interfere with us or our drumming with them, but close enough to be quick and easy to reach.

So we will be drumming constantly for people to come and spirit dance and chant to live tribal drums to raise positive energies for peace, love, strength,harmony and respect.

Come and spirit dance, hoop and chant to live tribal drums and raise positive energies for peace, love, strength, harmony and respect.

On going at “The Well.” Just follow the path behind Sheela’s house and come and dance, hoop and chant.

We will not have extra drums, so if you have one bring it, bring a friend!

Come at 4 pm if you want to help set up!

Drum you later!

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