Get Dirty – Have Fun & Learn

Posted by  //  June 14, 2011  //  News

New and Unique Opportunity for Groton Youth!

The Groton Public Library is sponsoring an Agricultural Education Program for Groton Youth between the ages of 14 – 19. You will have the chance to learn real life skills through a combination of hands-on work, reading assignments, discussions, community service, field visits, and more.

This program is designed to give you a taste in sustainable agriculture and local food systems—career exploration—learn to grow your own food.

The Program will run for seven weeks from July 5 to August 15 with group meetings once a week on Mondays (except week one will meet Tuesday, July 5). This program will provide real life experience to help you determine if you have a genuine passion for agriculture.

For an application or questions — email or call 898-5055. Deadline for application is June 20, 2011.

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