National Grid Employees & Families to Spend Weekend Doing Volunteer Clean Up at Camp Sagamore

Posted by  //  June 9, 2011  //  News

About 50 National Grid employees, retirees and their families will head to the wilderness this coming weekend (June 10-12), with more than campfire songs and s’mores in mind.   At the historic Great Camp Sagamore in Raquette Lake, NY, these National Grid volunteers will perform electric maintenance and upgrade work, remove dead and downed trees, split wood, clear trails, plant flowers, rake leaves and paint to help get the camp ready for the summer season.

The National Grid team will donate approximately 1,000 hours of work time over the weekend, which Camp Sagamore will track and use to generate matching historic preservation grants. This is the 17thwork weekend that National Grid volunteers have been to the camp, resulting in about 7,000 total hours of donated time.

“This weekend is a tradition at National Grid, and for many of the families,” said Melanie Littlejohn, Director of Community & Customer Relations for the Central New York. “It’s one of the many ways our team gives back to the community and it’s also something our employees enjoy doing with their family members.”

Great Camp Sagamore is a National Landmark and is part of the “Save America’s Treasures” program.  Since 1993, National Grid (and its predecessor Niagara Mohawk) has sponsored spring volunteer work weekends in support of preservationist efforts to revitalize and maintain the unique wilderness complex.

National Grid is an international energy delivery company. In the U.S., National Grid delivers electricity to approximately 3.3 million customers in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York and Rhode Island, and manages the electricity network on Long Island under an agreement with the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA). It is the largest distributor of natural gas in the northeastern U.S., serving approximately 3.4 million customers in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York and Rhode Island. National Grid also owns over 4,000 megawatts of contracted electricity generation that provides power to over one million LIPA customers.


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