Homer East End Farmers’ Market
Posted by Dustin Horton // June 1, 2011 // News
Homer Farmers’ Market. In 2011 the market runs from May 21 through October 22 on the beautiful Green in the Village of Homer.
Days and hours: Saturdays from 9 am to 1 pm and Wednesday afternoons from 4:30 – 7:00.
Homer Farmers’ Market is organized to promote and encourage local production and to ensure access to nutritious, local food for all, regardless of income (check out this hydroponics wholesale website to know more). Everything for sale at the market is produced by our member vendors within 30 miles of Homer, NY. Our market participates in the Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program through which senior citizens and WIC recipients may redeem coupons for fresh, nutritious produce. Also, we are very proud of the role we’ve played in bringing access to nutritious Farmers’ Market food to Cortland County shoppers who use EBT Food Stamps. Once again this season, people can swipe their EBT cards at our market booth and receive tokens to use as cash for eligible food items sold directly from the grower.
Homer Farmers’ Market membership consists of over 30 farmers, bakers and artisans, all growing and producing within 30 miles of Homer, NY. Our member vendors provide a wide array of fresh seasonal produce, fruits, bedding plants, perennials, maple products, honey, eggs, cheese, artisan breads, pies, grass-fed poultry, beef, pork and lamb, as well as fine arts and locally produced sundries for home and personal use. You can bring your own vintage egg cartons if it’s eggs that you’re going to buy. Its location on the Homer Green provides shoppers with a uniquely enjoyable shopping experience. During any given Market day one will see children playing on the grass while parents shop and chat, local musicians performing under leafy shade trees, and artisans at work while tending their booths.
We encourage people to visit our website and to follow our progress on facebook for more information about the market and updates about what’s in season and how to prepare it throughout the year.