CCTVS Committee to Meet

Posted by  //  March 19, 2011  //  News

Thursday, March 24, 2011
7:00 p.m. (or immediately following legislative session)


  • Welcome/Introductions (Co-Chairs, Larry Cornell & Sandy Price)


  • 2011 Election Costs

The Cortland County Legislature is considering changes to the payment structure for elections. This restructuring could include charging towns and villages of the preparation and use of the county-owned voting machines. What could this mean to your town/village? Election Commissioners Robert Howe and Tom Brown, and County Administrator Martin Murphy will discuss this potential change.

  • Interoperable Telecommunications Project (Motorola)

Cortland County has embarked on an extensive (and expensive) project to be in compliance with FCC regulations as they relate to the county’s emergency radio system. What will these changes mean to emergency responses in your town and villages? Members of the Communications Advisory Board will discuss this project and how your town can help.

2010 Census figures and potential Redistricting

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