January 29 – CAoG Women’s Ministry Potluck Dinner

Posted by  //  January 25, 2015  //  Calendar of Events

CAoG Women’s Ministry, 175 Port Watson St., Cortland, NY invites all women(18+) in the community to join us, Thursday, January 29th at 6:30 pm for a Potluck Dinner in the fellowship hall. Immediately following dinner we will be hearing from Rhonda Eckert Mapes and a coworker on “The Sanctity of Life” and what the Cortland Pregnancy Center does for our community. We will also be kicking off the “Baby Bottle” campaign where the WM’S will help to raise money for this outreach in the community and learn how we can help in other ways. So please bring a dish to share with the rest of the group…casserole, soup, something for a cold winter’s night ) Bring your friends to learn more about the Center and to enjoy dinner with us. We do have childcare. We dig this to explore more facilities and we ask everyone who has it to donate $1.00 towards the childcare whether you bring children or not.

The children will have a pizza party with Gabrielle Keeney-Price in the Children’s room as well as an activity.

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