Hawk's Way Wellness Center

Hawk’s Way Wellness Center

Posted by  //  April 18, 2014  //  Local Business

With awareness of the Four Directions, I use a holistic approach to healing, tapping into time-honored, powerful healing modalities to ensure you ideally benefit from your sessions.

I approach my work with an awareness of Spirit, using Reiki energy healing to repair the energetic field that influences the health of the physical body and varied massage techniques to allow the body to release the physical manifestations of energetic traumas. Gemstone healing powerfully complements energy sessions.

Working in the Shamanic realm, I use intention to manifest positive results for my clients. Many of these benefits will remain with you as you continue on your life path.  Shamanic work brings the body and spirit into a state of wholeness. Initial sessions include an assessment of the ways that the body and spirit are asking for healing.  Through our discussions and energy work, we begin to spiritually connect with the unseen realms – affording an opportunity for profound healing.  Ritual and intention play a large role in the process.  Integrating Shamanic work with Massage and Reiki offers a multi-dimensional, holistic approach to wellness. .  I aim to connect with my clients at the level at which they are ready to receive healing – in areas where healing will be most beneficial.

Four Direction Healing sessions use the four directions in service of your highest good. This deep healing work leaves you with increased vitality, relaxation and an elevated sense of overall wellbeing, allowing energy to flow and creating space for abundance in your life.


James Bucko, LMT, RMT
Hawk’s Way Wellness Center
525 Lafayette Rd
Groton, NY 13073

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